Board of Directors


A sense of urgent action and justice find flesh and bone in the person of Sr.Mary Pilar Verzosa, a Good
Shepherd Sister, whose normal daily work routine consists of giving lectures, managing the Pro-life Philippines
office, and most importantly, counseling men and women (the young and not so young), in crisis, especially
women in crisis pregnancy.

Sr. Pilar, founder and national coordinator of Pro-life Philippines Foundation, Inc., graduated B.S. Nursing,
Magna cum laude, from St. Paul College of Manila before she joined the Good Shepherd Congregation. She was already
an aspirant in the convent when she was told that she topped the Nursing Board exams for that year, a time when
nursing board exam leakages were unheard of.

She travels extensively to speak in local and international pro-life conferences and has been setting up Crisis
Pregnancy Centers and Pro-life chapters around the country.

She received the Teresa's Light Award from her high school alma mater, St. Theresa's College, Quezon City
and the Mother Madeleine Award from St. Paul College.

She is in the coffee table book "100 Women of the Philippines, Celebrating Womanhood in the New Millenium"
along with our three Philippine female presidents , Leah Salonga, Lisa Macuja, Baby Barredo, Emily Abrerra, Eugenia
Apostol, Solita Monsod, Haydee Yorac, and Regine Velasquez.

At present, she is Chair of the Projects Screening Committee of the Pondo ng Pinoy Foundation Board of Trustees
with Cardinal Rosales, Archbishop of Manila. She represented the CBCP office on Women at the Beijing and New York
World Conferences of Women.

Sr. Pilar believes that if every minute a child is born, every minute also there is a baby whose life is in
danger before or after birth. Every single person, in his or her own little way, can do a lot to save a life - from
conception to natural death. This is Sr. Pilar's special brand of shepherding.


The National & Overseas Co-ordinator of Endeavour Forum Inc., a Christian, pro-family, pro-life lobby, which is
an NGO with Special Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United

Babette Francis, B.Sc. (Hons), (Microbiology & Chemistry), mother of eight children (four
girls and four boys) was born in India, and lived there for twenty two years. She met her Australian husband,
Mr. Charles Francis, QC., on a ship bound for London. They were married in London and came back to live in
Australia. They have eighteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Mrs. Francis is a freelance writer and for ten years broadcast a program on Radio Australia entitled
"Australian Diary", which was broadcast to Asia and the South Pacific. Currently her articles appear in
the Melbourne Herald Sun.

Mrs. Francis has attended numerous UN Conferences: on Women, Population, Habitat, and Food. In 1988 she was
honoured by Eagle Forum, USA, by being named "Homemaker of the Year" for Australia. In 1990, the Baltic
Communities in Australia named Mrs. Francis on their Honours List for services to the cause of Freedom. In April
1991, the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation in the U.S.A. honoured Mrs. Francis with their "Motherhood Award"
for 1991. Babette Francis has been a regular speaker at Human Life International World Conferences in the USA
and Canada.

In October 1995 Babette Francis was invited by the Pontifical Council for the Family to chair the English
language group's discussions at the Third World Congress of Pro-Life Movements held in Rome. Babette Francis
covered the UN Commission on the Status of Women meetings in March 1999 and the UN's International Conference
on Population and Development (Cairo + 5 Conference) in June 1999 in New York as an accredited

In June 2000 Babette Francis attended the Beijing + 5 UN Conference on Women in New York as an accredited
Non-Government Observer. She was a speaker at the World Congress of Families in Prague in March 1997, the World
Congress-of Families II in Geneva in November 1999, the World Congress of Families lll in Mexico City in March
2004, and the World Congress of Families IV in Warsaw, May 2007.

Mrs. Francis is the National & Overseas Co-ordinator of Endeavour Forum Inc., a Christian, pro-family, pro-life
lobby, which is an NGO with Special Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United
Nations. She has attended the annual UN Commission on the Status of Women meetings in New York, where she has
organised NGO information workshops on the link between abortion and breast cancer, and on post-abortion trauma.

Mrs. Francis has been a speaker at conferences in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, UK, Ireland, Canada,
Portugal, Singapore, Italy, India and Switzerland.


International Federation of Women Lawyers
Enugu, Nigeria