• The “morning after pill” is also referred to as “emergency contraception” or “EC.” The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has approved a number of drugs for preventing pregnancy after intercourse including
Plan B (now replaced by Plan B One Step), Plan B One Step, Next Choice and other generic versions of
Plan B, and Ella.
• RU-486 is a drug that produces an abortion after the mother misses her period. It can be used up to the
second month of pregnancy and works by blocking progesterone, a crucial hormone during pregnancy.
Without progesterone, the uterine lining does not provide food, fluid and oxygen to the tiny developing
baby. A second drug is then given that stimulates the uterus to contract and the baby is expelled.
• Women who abort with the drug RU-486 can experience nausea, severe cramping, vomiting and bleeding.
Rather than being “over with” in a few minutes (as in a surgical abortion), this abortion could last for over a
• The side effects are similar for all of these drugs.
Those listed for Plan B One Step include nausea
(14%), lower abdominal pain (13%), fatigue (13%),
headache (10%), and dizziness (10%).
• The chemicals used in MAPs are much like those
in birth control pills, but with much higher dosages.
Because of the known health risks, prescriptions
are required for birth control. Why are prescriptions
not required for MAPs?
• If a woman has become pregnant, the chemicals
in MAPs make the lining of the uterus hostile to
implantation, causing an abortion. Chemicals such
as these that cause abortion are called
• Both Planned Parenthood and the FDA have
changed scientific facts to fit their purposes. Both
state life begins not at conception (fertilization), but
at implantation (about a week later), which means
MAP is no longer an abortifacient drug. This is a lie
to continue selling the MAPs over-the-counter.
The Morning After Pill (2010) The Heritage House, http://
How Are Abortions Done? (2010) The Heritage House,