1.) Conception 2.) 6 Weeks
3.) 12 Weeks^ 4.) 16 Weeks^
5.) 20 Weeks^ 6.) 24 Weeks^
7.) 28 Weeks^ 8.) 36 Weeks^
1.) Conception All human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins.
2.) 6 Weeks Eyes, legs and hands begin to develop.
3.) 12 Weeks Nerves, spinal cord & vocal cords are developed.
4.) 16 Weeks Baby is 1/2 of its birth weight, 8-10 inches long and can dream.
5.) 20 Weeks The baby recognizes its mother’s voice. This is also the earliest stage at which partial birth abortions are performed.
6.) 24 Weeks Real hair grows and baby is regularly sleeping and waking.
7.) 28 Weeks Eyes are open and eyelashes are formed. 90% of live births survive at 28 weeks.
8.) 36 Weeks Nervous system and lungs developed. At 37 weeks, all organs function.