Breast Cancer Risks From Abortion

By choosing abortion, a woman increases her risk for breast cancer in four ways:
(1) She creates in her breasts more places for cancers to start, which is the “independent effect”;
(2) She loses the protective effect that a full-term pregnancy would have afforded her;
(3) She increases the risk of premature delivery of future pregnancies;
(4) And she lengthens her window of being at risk for cancer.
• The risk factors linked to breast cancer include increased levels of estrogen, second trimester
miscarriage, premature birth before 32 weeks, induced abortion, late childbirth and childlessness or barrenness.
• There are now over 60 significant studies linking breast cancer to induced abortion, the first one was done in 1957. Yet, cancer societies who rake in millions of dollars annually refuse to inform women about the most preventative way to reduce the risk of breast
cancer–choosing not to abort.
• The National Cancer Institute specifically commissioned a
study by Janet Daling and her colleagues. She reported that,
“Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk
of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced
abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”
Breast Cancer Risks & Prevention 4th Ed. (2005, 2007) Breast Cancer
Prevention Institute

Breast Cancer Risk Reduction

•A woman gains protection from breast cancer by completing a full-term pregnancy. In utero her offspring produce hormones that mature 85% of the mother’s breast tissue into cancer-resistant breast tissue.
• If the pregnancy ends through an induced abortion or a premature birth before thirty-two weeks, the mother’s breasts will have only partially matured, retaining even more cancer susceptible breast tissue than when the pregnancy began.
•This increased amount of immature breast tissue will leave the mother with more sites for cancer to start, thereby increasing her risk of breast cancer.
•Hormonal contraceptives increase breast-cancer risk by their effect on breast tissue to rapidly reproduce and mutate, leading to cancer cells and their direct carcinogenic effects on DNA.
•Hormonal contraceptives include estrogen-progestin combination drugs prescribed in any manner of delivery: orally, trans-dermally, vaginally, or intrauterine.

Breast Cancer Risks & Prevention 4th Ed. (2005, 2007) Breast Cancer Prevention Institute